Board of Directors
Community leaders that seek to improve the quality of life for Concord residents via affordable housing.

JC Mckenzie
and Concord City Council
“On the surface, WeBuild Concord is a developer of affordable housing, but look deeper, and you will see it’s a developer of affordable HOMES. A home – the cornerstone of safety and stability for a family. Homes are also the cornerstone for a strong, vibrant, and equitable community.
As a child, I never truly saw the importance of a safe and stable home. Often, when something is present, we don’t miss it. Fast forward through years of life experience, I see its impact. The profound vision and mission of Webuild are that everyone has an opportunity to experience a home.”

Terry Crawford
Concord City Council

Joshua Smith
City of Concord Assistant City Manager
“The gap between housing and wages continues to grow, entrenching communities in a crisis that increases the financial burden of individuals while eroding the economic productivity of a community. Public servants are responsible for creating opportunities for others, including those that help stabilize housing and financial situations. WeBuild’s commitment to providing such opportunities through strategic partnerships that emphasize affordable home building projects is precisely the type of catalyst needed to help address this crisis. As someone who has relied upon housing assistance programs in the past, I feel honored and excited to be a part of WeBuild’s transformational work. “

Bernard Felder
Co-Founder/Manager – Urban Renaissance Development
“Affordable housing is a cornerstone of every healthy community. Regardless of how characterized (i.e., reasonable, workforce, mixed-income, middle-market, moderate, etc.), it remains the key to stabilizing lives and increasing economic mobility. Sadly, although every community recognizes the significant need, there is often a corresponding rejection of locational acceptance (NIMBY) and economic and development action. WeBuild Concord has the talent and determination to talk about it and be about the business of taking action on all fronts.”

Roy Hawkins
SVP, President of North Market,
Atrium Health
“Atrium Health is committed to addressing the social and population-level structures that influence health outcomes in the communities we serve. Our bold goal is by 2030, Atrium Health will reduce the life expectancy gap in our most underserved communities. We know the quality of affordable and sustainable housing has major implications for people’s overall health. Improved housing conditions can save lives, reduce disease, increase quality of life, and reduce poverty. Our partnership with WeBuild Concord offers a clear example of how best to highlight the individual’s ability, and the ecosystem’s necessity, to improve the drivers of people’s health and life expectancy.“

Maya Jones
Community Representative
“This is a great time to refresh our sense of community and show care for our neighbors by creating and maintaining affordable housing. I am proud that WeBuild Concord is sharing that responsibility and am very pleased to be a part.”

Steve Osborne
City of Concord Planning and Neighborhood Development
“Affordable housing for Concord is greater than four walls and a roof. It is the key to a family’s growth, stability, and security. Affordability is more than simply getting into a home. It is the ability to stay financially sound.”

Della Robinson
Director of Housing – City of Concord
“As an Affordable Housing professional, I am committed to expanding housing opportunities for vulnerable populations. This can only be achieved through collaboration with industry and community stakeholders like WeBuild Concord. I look forward to being affiliated with an organization providing transformative affordable housing solutions in the City of Concord.”

Dakeita Vanderburg
Realtor Broker